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How billing works

Learn about plan allowances, extra usage, and monitoring usage

Usage allowances

Each of Neon's plans includes Storage, Compute, and Project usage allowances in the base monthly fee as outlined in the following table.

Free TierLaunchScaleEnterprise
Monthly fee$0/month$19/month$69/monthCustom
Storage allowance512 MiB10 GiB50 GiBLarger sizes
Compute allowanceAlways-available primary branch compute and 5 compute hours (20 active hours)/month on branch computes.300 compute hours (1,200 active hours)/month750 compute hours (3,000 active hours)/monthCustom
Projects allowance11050Unlimited

The Enterprise plan is fully customizable with respect to allowances. Please contact Sales for more information.

What are active hours and compute hours?

  • An active hour is a measure of the amount of time a compute is active. The time your compute is idle when suspended due to inactivity is not counted. In the table above, active hours are based on a 0.25 vCPU compute size.

  • A compute hour is one active hour for a compute with 1 vCPU. For a compute with .25 vCPU, it takes 4 active hours to use 1 compute hour. On the other hand, if your compute has 4 vCPUs, it takes only 15 minutes to use 1 compute hour.

  • Compute hours formula

    compute hours = compute size * active hours

Extra usage

The Launch and Scale plans permit extra usage beyond the allowances included with the monthly fee. The extra usage types that are available differ by plan, as outlined below:

Extra Storage
Extra Compute
Extra Projects

The Launch plan does not support extra projects. If you are on the Launch plan and require extra projects, you must upgrade to the Scale plan, which provides higher project allowances.

How does extra usage work?

Taking advantage of extra usage requires no user action. Extra usage, if supported with your plan, is available by default. If you use more storage, compute, or projects than your monthly allowance provides, the extra usage is automatically added to your monthly bill. The following sections explain extra usage in more detail.


Extra storage is available with the Launch and Scale plans:

  • On the Launch plan, extra storage is billed for in units of 2 GiB at $3.5 each
  • On the Scale plan, extra storage is billed for in units of 10 GiB at $15 each

For example, the Launch plan includes an allowance of 10 GiB in the plan's monthly fee. If you exceed 10 GiB of storage, you are automatically billed for an extra storage unit of 2 GiB at $3.5 per unit. If you exceed 12 GiB, you are billed for 2 units of 2 GiB (an extra $7), and so on. It works the same way on the Storage plan, but with 10 GiB units of storage at $15 per unit.


Extra compute usage is available with the Launch and Scale plans. Extra compute usage is billed by compute hour at $0.16 per hour. For example, the Launch plan has an allowance of 300 compute hours included in the plan's monthly fee. If you use 100 additional compute hours over the billing period, you are billed an extra $16 (100 x $0.16).


Extra project usage is available with the Scale plan. Extra projects are billed in units of 10. For example, the Scale plan has an allowance of 50 projects. If you use more than 50 projects, you are automatically billed for an extra package of 10 projects at $50 per package. For example, if you use 51 projects, you are billed for 1 package of 10 projects (an extra $50). If you use 61 projects, you are billed for 2 packages of 10 projects (an extra $100), and so on.

Learn more about usage metrics

To learn more about Neon Compute, Storage, and Project metrics, see Usage metrics.

Neon pricing estimation guide

You can use this guide to estimate your monthly bill with Neon based on your selected plan and estimated usage.

  1. Select your plan
  2. Monthly base fee
  3. Estimate your usage
  4. Calculate extra usage fees (if applicable)
  5. Total monthly estimate

Step 1: Select your plan

First, select a plan that best fits your requirements. For Storage, Compute, and Project usage allowances, see above, or refer to our Pricing page, which provides a detailed plan comparison and outlines the features included in each plan. The available plans are:

  • Free Tier: $0/month
  • Launch: $19/month
  • Scale: $69/month
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing (contact Sales for pricing details)

Step 2: Monthly base fee

Note the base monthly fee associated with your plan from the list above.

Step 3: Estimate your usage

Estimate your monthly usage in the following areas to see if any "extra usage" is required beyond what's included in your plan.

  • Storage (GiB): How much storage do you expect to use? Storage includes the size of your data and a history of changes to support features like branching and point-in-time restore. For more information, see Storage.
  • Compute (Hours): How many compute hours will you require? A compute hour is 1 active hour on a compute with 1 vCPU. Neon supports compute sizes ranging from .25 vCPU to 8 vCPU. See Compute for a compute hour formula you can use to estimate your compute hour usage.
  • Projects: How many projects you will be running? Neon recommends a project per application or client.

Step 4: Calculate extra usage fees (if applicable)

Each plan comes with base allowances for Storage, Compute, and Projects. Based on the plan your usage estimates, calculate any extra fees for exceeding your plan's allowances.

For the Launch plan:

The Launch plan supports extra Storage and Compute. If you need extra projects, you'll need to move up to the Scale plan.

  • Extra Storage: If you exceed 10 GiB, extra storage is billed in units of 2 GiB at $3.5 per unit.
  • Extra Compute: If you exceed 300 compute hours, extra compute is billed at $0.16/hour.

For the Scale plan:

The Scale plan supports extra Storage, Compute, and Projects.

  • Extra Storage: If you exceed 50 GiB, extra storage is billed in increments of 10 GiB at $15 per increment.
  • Extra Compute: If you exceed 750 compute hours, extra compute is billed at $0.16/hour.
  • Extra Projects: If you exceed 50 projects, extra projects are billed in units of 10 projects at $50 per unit.

Step 5: Total monthly estimate

Add up the base monthly fee and any applicable extra usage fees to estimate your total monthly bill.

Total Monthly Estimate = Monthly Base Fee + Extra Storage Fee + Extra Compute Fee + Extra Project Fee

Launch plan example:

  • Base fee: $19
  • Storage usage: 14 GiB (4 GiB over the allowance)
  • Compute usage: 350 hours (50 hours over the allowance)
  • Extra storage fee: 2 * $3.5 = $7
  • Extra compute fee: 50 hours * $0.16 = $8

Total estimate: $19 + $7 + $8 = $34 per month

Scale plan example:

  • Base fee: $69
  • Storage usage: 60 GiB (10 GiB over the allowance)
  • Compute usage: 800 hours (50 hours over the allowance)
  • Project usage: 55 projects (5 projects over the allowance)
  • Extra storage fee: 1 * $15 = $15
  • Extra compute fee: 50 * $0.16 = $8
  • Extra project fee: 1 * $50 = $50

Total estimate: $69 + $15 + $8 + $50 = $142 per month


  • Adjust your usage estimates as needed to reflect your actual or projected usage.
  • For Enterprise plan users, please contact our Sales team for an estimate based on your custom needs.

Monitoring billing and usage

You can monitor billing and usage for all projects in your Neon account from the Billing page in the Neon Console.

  1. Navigate to the Neon Console.
  2. Select your Profile.
  3. Select Billing from the menu.

Here you will find the current bill and your current usage for all projects in your Neon account. Usage is reset to zero at the beginning of each month. For example, on the Launch plan, compute usage will be set back to 0/300h at the beginning of each month.

Monitor billing and usage

Monitor usage for a project

You can monitor usage for a single project from the Usage widget on your project's Dashboard in the Neon Console.

Monitor usage widget

Here you will find storage and compute usage for the project among other usage metrics.

Interpreting usage

Compute usage is tracked in compute hours. A compute hour is 1 active hour for a compute with 1 vCPU. For a compute with .25 vCPU, it takes 4 active hours to use 1 compute hour. On the other hand, if your compute has 4 vCPUs, it takes only 15 minutes to use 1 compute hour.


On the Free Tier, the primary branch compute is a 0.25 vCPU compute that is always available, so allowances do not apply. You can run your 0.25 vCPU compute on the Free Tier 24/7. Only branch computes on the Free Tier have an allowance, which is the 5 compute hour/month allowance that Free Tier users see on the Billing page. On the Free Tier, this is actually 20 hours of usage because Free Tier computes always have 0.25 vCPU. You cannot increase the compute size on the Free Tier.

Storage includes your data size and history. Neon maintains a history of changes to support point-in-time restore. On the Free Tier, your default history retention period is 24 hours. The Launch plan supports up to 7 days of history retention, and the Scale plan supports up to 30 days. Keep in mind that history retention increases storage. More history requires more storage. To manage the amount of history you retain, you can configure the history retention setting for your project. See Configure history retention.

What about extra usage?

The Launch plan supports extra compute usage. The Scale plan supports extra storage, compute, and project usage. Any extra usage allowance is automatically added (and billed for) when you exceed the allowances included in your plan's base fee. See Extra usage for details. If extra usage occurs, it is reflected in your monthly allowance on the Billing page. For example, if you allocate an extra 10 GiB of storage when you exceed your 50 GiB storage allowance on the Scale plan, the extra 10 GiB is added to your Storage allowance on the Billing page.

Need help?

Join our Discord Server to ask questions or see what others are doing with Neon. Users on paid plans can open a support ticket from the console. For more detail, see Getting Support.

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